I Think I Have Hail Damage…Now What?
If you see hail in your yard, chances are it has also damaged your roof. What kind of damage? That depends on several factors – mainly how big the hail was and how long the hailstorm lasted.
Signs of hail damage
When hail hits roof shingles, it can cause dents, missing asphalt, bruising, or cracking in your shingles. Even if the damage isn’t as obvious as a dent or crack, the granules on the surface of the composition shingle may have broken loose and you might see a buildup of granules in your gutters or at the end of your downspouts. You may also notice areas of your shingles where these granules were dislodged, causing the surface single colors to look uneven in spots. Climbing on your roof can be dangerous, especially when trying to focus on careful inspection in situations like this. It is a good idea to call a trained professional like a reputable roofing company or your insurance agent to have them inspect your roof for damage. These inspections should be provided free of charge and can help you determine the best course of action.
How can I tell if a roofing company is reputable? Here are a few tips to keep in mind when selecting a roofing (or any) contractor:
- References: Beware of the door to door salesperson. Many “storm chasers” tend to go to storm damaged areas hoping to cash in on opportunities to capture business in these situations. Signs that a contractor may be a storm chaser include: having an out of state license plate on their vehicle and not having local references. Always ask for identification such as a business card, ask for references, and avoid pressure to sign any contract on the spot especially if it requires a financial deposit. Take your time to evaluate options and check references.
- Money matters: While you will need to sign a contract for services, you should not be required to make a large down payment. Most reputable contractors will not ask you for payment until the job is completed.
- Background: Find out how long your contractor has been in business. What are his/her ties to the community? A reputable company is proud to share their record.
- Insurance: Any contractor must be able to provide a certificate of insurance. This protects not only them, but also you. Always ask to see this certificate. You can also request to be added to the policy as an additional insured party for the duration of your project. Any contractor could, in theory, show a certificate of insurance one day and cancel their policy the next. So, it’s a good idea to call their insurance company yourself and check their record to be sure they’re reputable.
- Check credentials: Reputable contractors seek certifications, continuing education, and various credentials to stay abreast of the latest product innovations, technical advancements, and market trends. Find out what credentials are most relevant in your contractor’s line of work and ask your contractor to provide evidence of these credentials. For instance in the roofing industry, GAF, the leading roof manufacturer in North America, offers Master Elite Certification. According to GAF’s website, “Master Elite® Certification is GAF’s factory certification program that provides ongoing training to roofing contractors and assurance to you that the roof will be completed well and professionally. Only 3% of all roofing contractors have qualified as Master Elite® Choosing a GAF Master Elite® contractor is your assurance that you’ll be dealing with a quality, and dependable professional contractor not some ‘fly-by-nighter.’” Alliance Roofing Company is proud to be one of only 30 roofing companies in the greater Houston area that has achieved this GAF certification. You can verify it on GAF’s website at https://www.gaf.com/en-us/roofing-contractors. Other types of contractors have similar forms of certification which can provide valuable assurance that you are choosing a reputable company.
In the case of a known hail event, we suggest you contact your insurance company. A roofing contractor can work with the insurance company on the claim. Typically in the event of severe hail damage, a total roof replacement is warranted versus a roof repair due to widespread damage.
Alliance Roofing Company has been serving the Houston area for over 30 years and are proud to have grown our business through referrals from satisfied clients. Contact us anytime you need a roof inspection, whether you think you have hail damage or other roofing concerns.