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Timberline Armor Shield Composition Shingles

Architectural Composition Shingles

Pictured: Timberline Armor Shield Composition Shingle

  • Made with fiberglass to help hold the asphalt together and increase durability (AKA asphalt shingles)
  • Can be a long-lasting material if maintained properly
  • Affordable in comparison to other materials because of its easy installation
  • Lightweight, fire-resistant, typically energy-efficient, often low maintenance
  • “3-tab shingles” are a common type of bottom-tier composition shingles that are rarely used anymore – consider replacing this type of roof if on your home

Impact Resistant Architectural Composition Shingles

  • Asphalt shingle that is reinforced to absorb energy, allowing the roof to better withstand hail or debris
  • Uses a class ranking system: Class 1 through Class 4, (4 being highest)
  • Ideal for homes in locations with threat of heavy weather or hail

Standing Seem Metal Roof

Standing Seam Metal Roof

  • Typically an extremely long lasting material if maintained properly
  • Lightweight, energy efficient, fire-resistant, environmentally friendly, not prone to rotting, highly wind resistant
  • Can be expensive to install/repair, but is generally a longer lasting material
  • Made with striations to strengthen and reduce warping