How to Know When Your Roof is Too Old
A roof is built to last, and a well-built roof is designed to last for decades. As well as longevity, your roof is made to withstand all sorts of weather and environmental factors. However, there will be times you notice your roof needs some attention. Identifying what issues to address immediately and what to fix later is very helpful.
Over the years of owning your home, your roof will likely develop minor issues due to age. Not all roof problems require total replacement or immediate attention but should still be fixed at some point to extend your roof’s life. But how do you know the difference? Read below for a few key factors to pay attention to.
What would be considered a minor repair?
1. Roof shingles that are missing or torn: Large storms and wind can cause damage to shingles. A small crack in a shingle can quickly cause the shingle to tear or blow away. Older shingles that are more worn tend to be prone to this type of damage.
2. Damaged shingles: Hail is a big culprit of shingle damage. If the damage is minor, it could be replaced to reduce future damage.
3. Nail lifting: If a nail has become loose, it could develop a leak in your home or attic space.
4. Pest damage: Squirrels, birds, or insects can cause minor damage to your roof and shingles that may eventually lead to leaks. Minor repairs, such as these, can be addressed without needing a roof replacement.
Your roof may need immediate attention for a few reasons:
1. Tree damage: The overt damage would be if a tree fell on your roof, but a less than obvious occurrence is a smaller branch that can still cause substantial damage. A smaller limb or branch can slowly rub and deteriorate the top layer of your roof, leading to shingles or flashing problems.
2. Clogged or defective gutters: defective gutters can lead to leaks along the roof’s edge and water backup that may seep into the eaves, where rot can happen.
3. Open seams or leaks around chimneys or vents
4. Incorrect roof flashing: if flashing material breaks or cracks, the connection becomes vulnerable to water and moisture. Flashing needs to be properly attached, secured, and without damage to be effective.
5. Roof leaks: A roof leak can be common and occur among homeowners for many reasons. Look for signs such as water running down your walls, mildew, or stains. Once you see the leak, the best plan is to fix it as soon as possible to prevent further damage.
A regular roof inspection is the best way to keep a small roofing problem from turning into a large one. The longevity of your roof will depend on regular maintenance and care. A roofer can give your roof a thorough exam and help you identify how to keep it up-to-date, maintained, and healthy so it will last as long as it’s designed. The best advice while caring for your roof is to find out if a problem needs to be resolved quickly and don’t wait until it does.
If you want your roof to last, you must remember that major roof damages are not worth being put off or delayed. If you begin to see signs that your roof needs repair, contact Alliance Roofing today at 281-485-8755 or visit our website for an inspection as soon as possible.