Don’t Wait to Get Hail Damage Fixed
Did you know that even slight hail damage to your roof can take 5 to 10 years off the life of your roof? In many cases, homeowners don’t notice the damage after a hailstorm or determine that the damage is insignificant. But if you wait too long to file a claim, you may end up paying for the repairs yourself while risking further damage to your roof. To help you navigate the necessary steps to dealing with hail damage, we’ll answer three commonly asked questions.
How Do I Know I Have Hail Damage?
During a bad storm with golf ball-sized hail, the damage should be fairly easy to spot. Even if you can’t see the top of your roof, there’s a good chance your roof has damage if you see dents in vehicles that were left out in the storm, or on metal gutters surrounding your home. If smaller hailstones fell during a storm, the damage may not be evident for several months. Sometimes small hailstones simply knock off the granules on your shingles. Then, the next time it rains, the loose granules are washed away from your roof. If you notice granules in your gutters, contact a professional roofer immediately. Ignoring this can reduce the life of your roof and impact the results of an inspection when it comes time to sell your home. After a hailstorm, try to identify any cracks, chips, or dents on your roof. Then, contact your insurance company immediately.
How Much Does Home Insurance Pay for Hail Damage?
The actual amount your insurance will pay for hail damage depends on your policy and deductibles. However, hail damage is one of the most common claims on homeowner’s insurance and most policies will cover structural property damage. This includes damage to your roof, windows, garage, appliances, porch, or deck. Double-check your homeowner’s insurance policy today to ensure hail damage is covered.
What Information Will My Insurance Company Need?
After a hailstorm, we recommend taking a picture of the hail next to a ruler or a quarter to show the size of the hailstones. This confirms the size of the hail and the damage it caused. If possible, take pictures that reveal immediate damage. If you cannot tell if hail damaged your roof, contact a professional roofer to assess your roof and give you a quote for the damage. While it may take months for loose granules to be washed from your roof, small cracks and dents can be identified by a roofing contractor. The sooner you contact your insurance company, the more likely your claim will not be denied, and the greater opportunity you have to prove that hail was the true cause of the damage.
Our GAF-Certified Roofers at Alliance Roofing Company have been taking care of homeowners in the Greater Houston Area for over 30 years. Don’t hesitate to contact us after a hailstorm and we’ll help you identify and correct roof damage before it becomes a bigger, more expensive, issue.